EP Infoways Pvt. Ltd. is a registered Training Partner with FOSTAC – FSSAI for Training and Certification.
Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC)
Legal context – As per the portal – https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/PDF/FoSTaC_uploading.pdf
- In terms of Section 16(3)(h) of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, FSSAI has to ensure training (whether within or outside their area) of persons who are or intend to become involve^ in Food Businesses, whether as FBOs or employees or otherwise.
- All FBOs having Central License or State License should have at least one trained and certified Food Safety Supervisor for every 25 food handlers or part thereof on all their premises. In turn, these supervisors should carry out periodic onsite training of all food handlers at least every quarter and maintain a record thereof for food safety audits and inspections. Food handlers in all petty food businesses that are registered should be trained and certified.
- Recommended Timeline to complete training
(i) Catering, Manufacturing, Milk & Milk Products, Meat & Poultry ‐ 31/05/2020 or as mandated by Licensing & Registration regulations whichever is earlier.
(ii) Petty FBOs‐By 31/03/2021
(iii) Retail, Storage, Bakery, Water & beverages, Edible Oil & Fat, Health Supplement, Fish & Sea Food ‐ By 31/12/2020 or as mandated by Licensing & Registration regulations, by 31/12/2020 whichever is earlier. - FoSTaC Programme ‐ Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) program is a large-scale training program for food businesses across the value chain. 18 Courses have been launched under this program. Duration of the courses is from 04 to 12 hours categorized in three levels i.e. Basic, Advance and Special for different kind of businesses. The training is being imparted through Training Partners empanelled for this purpose. EP Infoways is a Registered Training Partner.
Advance Manufacturing
DATE- 23 MAY 2021
TIME- 10:00AM-5:00PM
FOSTAC Advance Manufacturing Training (23/05/2021) – Rs. 1200/-
Advance Catering
DATE- 28 MAY 2021
TIME- 10:00AM-5:00PM

FOSTAC Advance Catering Training (28/05/2021) – Rs. 1200/-
Sushanta Das
70441 32377