EP Infoways Pvt Ltd conducted our third seminar in the series to spread awareness about PMKVY – Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna, PMKVY PMKVY – Skill Development PMKVY Skill eco system in india, #nsqf education structure, job roles etc. I would like to thank all participant and EPINFOWAYS TEAM to make that success. Special thanks to Narendra Modi and Rajiv Pratap Rudy and NSDC National Skill Development Corporation National Skills Network – NSN to build a skill ecosystem which will solve real problem(Skill based education) of current education system. Though there are lot of concern about the practical execution of the program but we all are hopeful that it will be resolved soon and we all will contribute in skill mission of Govt of India
Seminar on skill Development- 18th Feb 2017