Yaadein 2016
It was 365th day of 2016 . We were almost running out of one more wonderful year. Team EPInfoways decided to make this last day memorable and the result is YAADEIN 2016.
The event YAADEIN 2016 was organised by EPInfoways team on 31/12/16 to say graceful BYE to 2016 and WELCOME the new prosperous year ahead. It was a small effort to take every one down the memory lane of last 365 days (2016).
The event was inaugurated by lighting a lamp by Mr. Sachin Jain and Dr. Akansha Jain with the EP family members and trainees.
The event chart was:
- Well come speech by Mrs. Priya Vishwanath
- Lighting the lamp by Dignitaries and team
- Slide show of the journey by Team members
- Guests’ Speech by Mr. Sachin Jain, Dr. Akansha jain, Rashmi Prasad and Ravinder Kumar
- Singing and presentation by the trainees of batch 007
- A video dedicated to Mrs. Rashmi Prasad by Pawan
- Yaadein 2016- Memorable incidents shared by Trainees and Team members of Frontline Udaan
- Cake cutting and distribution by the team
Coordination Credit goes to
- Mr. Ravinder Kumar and team for back end support
- Mrs. Sushma Tripati and team for stage decoration
- Mrs. Manpreet and team for hosting and slides preparation
- Mr. Pawan and team for video preparation
- Mr. Ashwani and team for students’ coordination
- Mrs. Priya Vishwanath and team for the concept and execution
- Trainees of batch 007 for their active participation and presentation
- All the team members of EP family for their kind cooperation in event execution
- Dr. Sachin Jain and Dr. Akansha Jain for their kind support for over all execution
The team EP and the trainees have always been successful to make a small idea into a great event. With this great experience we completed the role coaster journey of 2016 with lot of fun and excitement and the resolution for the coming year is to take our organization to next level with the same way.
Some moments captured to cherish !!!!